Lafayette approves hiring of dedicated consultant to complete design and environmental work

With the passage of its Consent Calendar item by the Lafayette City Council on its November 8 agenda, Lafayette will be using the $238,000 grant awarded to us by the State to hire a dedicated consultant to complete the design and environmental work for our project.

According to the agenda item, City Council has ordered City Manager Niroop Srivatsa to enter into a consulting services agreement with Kittelson & Associates to complete Module 3 design and environmental work for the Safe Route to Acalanes path on Pleasant Hill Road.

We are a MAJOR step closer to having our project fully designed and our ability to really start fundraising!

Read the entire staff report from Director of Public Works and Engineering Mike Moran here.


Conceptual Designs delivered by Kittleson & Associates


Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan presents check for $238 thousand to City for bike path project