Conceptual Designs delivered by Kittleson & Associates

The design and engineering consultant approved by the City of Lafayette has shared its first draft of the conceptual design for our Safe Route to Acalanes protected bike project.

As you can see from the drawing below, there are two options for how to address the crossings at the Pleasant Hill Road and Mt. Diablo Boulevard, and Pleasant Hill Road and Stanley Boulevard intersections. The first being a scramble crossing, one that locals find at Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek outside the Apple Store. The second is a traditional intersection that you see at most street corners.

Conceptual Designs by Kittleson & Associates, 2022

This plan is being reviewed by City of Lafayette Engineering Manager Matt Luttrop utilizing recent traffic studies and feedback has been submitted to Kittleson. One item to note is that both the scramble and standard crossing options do call for the removal of the dedicated right turn onto Stanley Boulevard from northbound Pleasant Hill Road.

By law, the designs are required to be reviewed by the public in the form of public meetings. We’ll share that information with you as we receive it here on the blog as well as on our Facebook group page.

In the meantime, if you have initial thoughts or would like to learn more, please contact City of Lafayette Engineering Manager Matt Luttrop directly at or 925-299-3247


Public Meeting Scheduled for July 12


Lafayette approves hiring of dedicated consultant to complete design and environmental work