Can a Bike Path be Considered Art?

According to the Public Art Master Plan, works of art can be murals, paving patterns, building facades ... even manhole covers. So, that got us thinking. Can a bike path be considered art?

When we heard the Public Art Committee present to City Council during its March 8 meeting and express the desire to support more original works of art (instead of collecting in-lieu of fees), we suggested putting two and two together. Following the footsteps of other places like New York City and utilizing artistic concrete executions, we see as this being a solution that:

  • beautifies our project

  • develops more public art across the city

  • encourages and promotes local artists

  • provides a significant amount of funding through an existing source

Strong/Soft like a Cliffrose, by Cat Willett art applied to jersey barriers in New York City. Photo Credit: New York Department of Transportation via Curbed New York

Strong/Soft like a Cliffrose, by Cat Willett art applied to jersey barriers in New York City. Photo Credit: New York Department of Transportation via Curbed New York

With a length of more than 2,000 feet, we're looking at a possible art work that spans more than a mile! (four total sides of concrete barriers) We’re not sure if there is another nearby city who could claim to produce a work of art this size!

We will continue to have conversations with the Public Art Committee to explore this solution as we move forward with the city to make this possible.


Full City Support for our Bike Project!


City Transportation Grant Denied - So, What’s Next for Us ?