Project Request for Federal & State Funding

During its meeting on Monday, February 27 the city of Lafayette city council will discuss adding a $4.3 million request for funding to its letter to federal and state representatives. According to the staff report, “the project advances safe routes to school, reduces automobile trips and emissions, increases user safety, and completes a regional bikeway and walkway network.”

Other than staff time, no city dollars have been used on this project. In July 2021, State Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Khan was able to secure a $238 thousand state grant to help pay for initial design work. The plan is purely to procure state, federal and private grant funding as well as private fundraising to complete the project.

Members of the public are invited to join the conversation during the city council meeting. Click here for the Zoom information and full agenda. The project will be discussed under the city manager’s staff report, agenda item #10.B.


July 2024 Update 75% drawings released


Public Meeting Scheduled for July 12